Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 6th Wash Day Routine

I just washed my hair a few days ago to experiment with a twist out. Go figure, I liked the 2-strand twist out better without taking them down. To prevent from looking like Ms. Ceely (Color Purple) I made sure to wear a little make-up, jewelry and cute head scarves. My daughter was embarrassed by the plaits but I wouldn't be a mom without embarrassing my kids...LOL! Taking out the plaits wasn't a problem, the wavy texture was cute BUT the overall look on me wasn't so much. Basically I looked like my mother...ah no, not happening. I love my mother but I don't want to look in the mirror and see my mother, neither does my husband :) I slowly realizing that putting any type of curl in my head instantly turns me into a replica of my mom.
So I'm redoing my twist out today and here is what I did. Applied my homemade moisturizing deep conditioner to my new growth only. Sat with that on my head for a while (watched TV). While I watched a marathon on the Discovery Health channel I boiled 4 ounces of water with 4 organic green tea bags. I know my hair well enough to do a tea rinse after its been in a protective style for so long. I've done a tea rinse before so this time I put it in a spray bottle and made enough to have extra to saturate. I jumped in the shower **which I prefer over head in sink because I get less shedding**, poured the access tea onto my head then sprayed from the bottle to saturate my hair, placed a processing cap on my head and let tea sit for about 30-45 minutes. Side note: I'm not all that sure that the tea rinses are working for me. They're not working against me so I'll continue doing them before I decide weather to continue or stop all together.
Rinsed then deep conditioned using Moroccanoil Intense Hydrating Mask and L'Oreal Everstrong Deep Replenishing Masque mixed together...moisture and protein together worked better (hair feels balanced) for my hair after tea rinse.
October 7th
My tooth ended up flaring up in a full infection with a swollen right cheek. So I ended up spending the day with the deep conditioner treatment on my head as I spent the bulk of the day dealing with my two molars at the clinic. Late night on the 7th I was able to rinse the conditioner out and apply my styling products, tied my hair down with a satin scarf.
October 8th
This morning I re-wet my hair then applied setting mousse. I took smaller sections this time since I know I'm not taking them out. I just hope they stay since I forgot to apply Eco-styler gel. I sat under my hooded dryer for 10 minutes only...it gets so hot I can't take it for too long. I'll leave the perm rods on the ends of each twist for the remainder of the day.

Sorry, no result pics because I still have a swollen face. I'm happy with the results but will be sure include my Eco-styler next round.

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