Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stretching MY Relaxer

My hat is off to those that can 'stretch' their relaxers. Stretching is prolonging the time between relaxing the hair with a chemical. Relaxing no earlier than 6 weeks is the recommended length of time. The longer you wait can prove to be beneficial if done properly.
I relax every 7 weeks. That's the absolute longest I can go without setbacks (see pic). One of the few ways to stretch relaxers is to use low manipulation styles. These styles keep you from combing your hair too often. These styles also are worn for several days at a time. Some examples are ponytails, buns, bantu knots and setting the hair. You also want to keep your new growth well moisturized to help prevent breakage.Benefits of stretching is thicker, longer and healthier hair. Stretching also allows you to have enough new growth for the application process to prevent overlap.
At this stage of my hair journey stretching past 7 weeks is not an option. My goal is to get to a point of stretching for 10 weeks, maybe 12 max. No matter the length of time I'll do what's best for my hair at that time :)
Healthy Hair Journey!

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