Wednesday, January 15, 2014

6 Inches in 6 Months Challenge 2014

I am a part of a hair care forum by the name of Hairlista. I decided to join a group created by LongNHealthy to challenge all those that join to grow their hair 6 inches in 6 months. For many woman this is an impossible fate but there are those of us that truly believe with the proper regimen, hair care and hair growth aids an inch a month can be achieved. My normal growth rate per month is 1/4 to 1/2 depending on how much love I give my hair that month :)...I will be documenting my participation in this challenge on here and my YouTube page. Check out the group for yourself and join us if for no other reason than to see how much hair you can retain in 6 months. I won't be officially starting the challenge till February 3rd after I relax.

Here are the rules from the group:

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