Saturday, August 31, 2013

Let's Get Physical - Hair and Sweat

It is a myth that black women can't wash their hair everyday. When you embark on your hair journey you have to rid yourself of these hair myths or you'll never get any where in your journey. The key is using quality products that will balance the moisture/protein needed in your hair.

I believe that truly healthy hair starts from the inside. We've all watched enough CSI to know that hair can tell a story of what was put into your body. Personally, whenever I consume my recommended 75fl.oz (body weight divided in half) of water my body and hair performs a thousand times better. Honestly I can say H2O is a growth aide for me. Given the choice most times I'll choose soda, or a glass of wine over water with my dinner...hey what can I say :)

Okay so back to water for the hair. Water is the best moisturizer for the hair inside and out so why would it be the cause of hair loss and/or damage? Hmmm!? Can you answer me that? Exercise is good for your health thus good for your hair. More times than not when you start taking better care of your body you drink more water, eat healthier, take vitamins, ect. The sweat produced dampens our roots and adds some salt to the scalp. Personally...I prefer to co-wash. My hair responds better to the co-washing and grows like a the point that 2 weeks post I'll have noticeable re-growth and by the time I relax its unreal.

I promise I'll be back to exercising as soon as I can. Actually with this being Labor Day weekend and the possibility of a cookout I'll restart on Tuesday. I'm trying to stretch to the end of September so having some extra growth won't hurt.

Happy Hair Journey and lets get sweaty!

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